Friday, December 13, 2019

Year Stpauls College Free Essays

Institutions and personal experience In this report I will discuss the Impacts of Institutions. Len this report I will refer to the book raw and Shawano redemption and a poem Power structures. Institutions have many power structures tort example An Institution does not Just have one set power structure with all the rest equal. We will write a custom essay sample on Year Stpauls College or any similar topic only for you Order Now A power structure Is a person of higher power. For example you’re principal or the warden in jail. Students Raw by Scott Monk shows different levels of power structures in institutions. It shows the difference of a good power structure to help people. Tyson abuses his low phew kook raw shows that Tyson uses his size to taunt and bully the other kids on the farm. Tyson taunts Brett by calling him a pretty boy. Tyson thinks he has the power to do so. Shawano Redemption. The men are free. The power structures got them there. They learned from others mistakes and guidelines from the hierarchy. The men are free. The power structures got them there. They learned from others mistakes and guidelines from the hierarchy. Shawano by frank dartboard has a different power structure . He Jail warden is all about control discipline and underneath the Job as warden he is as irrupt as all the other convicts In the Jail. And was always being beaten up and never told any one until the higher power stepped in and stopped It. * The morning sun at the end * Driving into the sunset Rebellion and protest (response to institutionalizing) Rebellion and protest can be a response to institutionalizing. Institutionalizing is where the person in the institutio n becomes addicted to it and cannot live outside the Institution. Outside the Institution Is onto place for them, they have become institutionalized. Also a key part of Institutionalizing is because the institution revised safety, security and is a predictable place unlike the big wide world. These people that have become dependent on the institution cannot survive without the routine, strong boundary and decision making being made for them. Shawano In Shawano Redemption the character Brooks Heathen saw himself as someone, in prison he had a life there. He was being discharged and was not allowed to stay. Because of this he had to rebel. â€Å"This is the only way they’ll let me star (Shawano tofu Redemption). Prison was what en knew and en was Witt his trends. Brooks rebels by trying to take a life to stay in prison. He had to rebel, he had to become institutionalized. He did not want to leave because this was his home for his whole life. Because of the institutionalizing when Brooks left prison he saw himself as a minority and did not have the respect and love he got in the prison. And an old man can’t rebel or protest so he took his own life. Letters from an Institution By Michael Ryan Poem Letters from an institution by Michael Ryan â€Å"I’d like to push them each somewhere† the institution forces things upon the characters in the movie and the poem. He wants to rebel and push them away, they re hurting him. There is no starting again they are institutionalized. All they know is the institution. If they can’t flee or rebel, they â€Å"start to want to crazy’ they can’t live without the rules forced upon them. Because they are so used to it they start to enjoy it, it becomes an addiction. As Red said in Shawano even now he has left the prison he still has to have to ask to pips. He has done it his whole life and can’t stop now. Responsibilities of individuals within institutions The responsibilities of individuals within institutions is to fulfill the goal of institutions ideas. What we are looking at hear is the rehabilitation of individuals in institutions. Beret’s self-image impacts his whole time at the farm. After the continuous pressure from his parent’s and the police, Brett is lost and confused, he sees that he has no responsibilities and does not belong anywhere. Brett looked at his fists and they were swollen from too many fights, he shook his head. Brett realizes that it is his responsibility as an individual to change his life and do right. Before this point Brett does not want to be rehabilitated and does not see that he is responsible for his own actions. At the end of the book Brett see’s that it is not the institutions responsibility to change him but that it is his and only he can change if he wants. â€Å"Only you can help yourself† (Raw). When he drives off into the morning sun he realizes the new day, a new beginning to be responsible and to take the consequences as he makes mistakes. Shawano Redemption. Unlike Brett in Raw, Andy Defense was innocent when he was put in Jail. He knew from the start of his two life sentences what he wanted and knew exactly how to get it. Even though he was doubted by Red when he bought his rock hammer â€Å"waste of money if you ask me†. Also the fact that Andy knew what he had to do to make his life easier. He went with the flow and knew what he had to do to escape. Brett from Raw did not know what he wanted and did not think it was his responsibility. Impact on self-image Your own self-image is how you see yourself. This can be particularly bad if your opinion of yourself is bad. But the opposite if it is good. It is how you see yourself through others eyes. For example how you think you look and if you think you’re a DOD person or not. RAW Brett blames the world because he thinks everyone hates him. During the book Brett is pressured by obstacles along the way causing negative thoughts about himself and the world. â€Å"It’s nard work UT I b it’s honest money’ (Raw) because Brett HTH KS the world hates him he automatically thinks that Josh is implying that he is a thief when he says this. Josh shows Bret how he sees himself as this person and how he automatically thinks everybody else sees him as this. This impacted Beret’s self-image in a positive way. Letters from an Institution This poem reveals how the life has been sucked out the character. He has only one way of doing things, the institutional way. This way, in which people are trained and forced to do the one thing even if they don’t want to. â€Å"l pretend a lighthouse with a little man inside†. The character in the poem imagines himself as a free person. He has to dream because he has no other way of doing things. He sees himself as a sailor who tells old stories of the sea. He can’t be who he wants. The character from the poem is strapped to his bed tightly and is uncomfortable. He wants to be free but is bound by the beds and is incapable of being what he dreams about himself. He can only use his imagination now and it doesn’t matter what everybody else sees him s. So he â€Å"starts to like the needles† and he â€Å"starts to want to crazy’ (Letters from an Institution). After analyzing the texts Raw by Scott Monk, Shawano Redemption by Frank Dartboard and the Poem Letters from an Institution by Michael Ryan’, I found that every person has a different personal experience in institutions. This report has confirmed my thesis that I believe that every person can and will have different experiences of institution to institution based on the approach they take to the institution. This is seen in Raw when Brett accepts responsibility and starts to improve his behavior and self-image. How to cite Year Stpauls College, Papers

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