Thursday, December 5, 2019

Effects on Employment & Sales In The Hospitality Industry And Business

Question: Describe about the Effects on Employment and Sales in the Hospitality Industry? Answer: Introduction to Research Method In the classic style of Krathwohl, the purpose of conducting this specific research lies on the effects of smoke free regulations on employment and sales in the hospitality industry. The significance of the research is determined by the substantial exposure of the hospitality workers to smoke and the considerable amount of risks involved in it e.g. high probability of lung cancer. According to Hyland et al. (2003), there are significant amount of dispute and debate that exist over the potential side effect of mandated smoke free zones on the economy of local hospitality industry. However, depending on the authors point of view based on critical study and analysis, it has been observed that smoke free regulations are in fact not bad for business. Need for the Study To be more precise, the considerable evidence that states that mandating these regulations on various business work sites or restaurants does not involve any adverse effect on hospitality industry economy and business. However, policy makers and business owners hesitate to implement such regulations saying that they are bad for doing business (Corbin Strauss, 2014). Therefore, the study purposefully aims at studying and assessing the impacts of implementing smoke free regulations on taxable sales and employment on several hotels and restaurants in New York States that have implemented smoke free policies; so as to uncover the pros and cons of such regulations on business as a whole. Description of the Research Theory The argument that exists among policy makers on changes in employment levels after implementation of smoke free policies necessitates adequate information about the accurate effects in their jurisdiction. The research has been conducted following the theory of experimental design involving one or more dependent variable which is mainly affected or influenced by two or more independent variable that reacts on the dependent variable (Gelso, 2006). This particular research methodology described my Krathwohl provides a model or research design that aims to thoroughly study the research topic based on a specific set of pre-defined research questions, research objectives or hypothesis (Pickard, 2012). Using this model as the conceptual framework, the research is executed or conducted in a step by step process. Dependent variables for this study have been identified as employment levels and taxable sales; whereas independent variable is smoke free regulations. Based on this conceptual model , the measures of sales and employment on different restaurants and hotels are assessed so as to analyze the results before and after implementing the smoke free regulations. Therefore, this particular research theory has been able to properly shape the study by providing a solid guideline to proceed through the experiment. Description of the Problem This particular study is focused on analyzing the issues regarding the actual effects of smoke free regulations on the employment and sales levels in the hospitality business. Despite there being adequate amount of proof that these regulations do not hold any adverse effects on business, most of the business owners and policy makers hesitate to apply such rules because of their belief that implementing such regulations is bad for business. Significant amount of health benefits have been observed by applying these rules, but still there are considerable debate about the potential effects on sales and economy of hospitality industry (Creswell, 2013). Purpose of the Study The purpose of conducting this study is to analyze the impacts of implementing smoke free regulations on the taxable sales and employment levels on business, more specifically the hospitality industry. There are significant amount of debate and controversy exists on the adverse effects of applying these rules and negative changes in the employment levels. Due to this belief, policy makers and business owners do not want to implement smoke free rules in their jurisdictions (Merriam, 2014). Research Questions The research questions for this research are identified as follows: What are the changes in sales and employment levels in hospitality business that implemented smoke free regulations? What are the per capita taxable sales and retail sales in restaurants with smoke free jurisdictions? What are the levels of employment in restaurants and hotels that have implemented smoke free venues? These above mentioned research questions underpin the study by setting out to answer the questions addressed. Corresponding Research Hypothesis Hypothesis 1: The changes in sales and employment levels in hospitality business that implemented smoke free zones. The research hypothesis considers the different aspects of sales and employment levels in hotel and restaurants, particularly in five of the smoke free jurisdictions in New York State. For this purpose, the dependent variable is identified to be the taxable sales and the employment level in these specific smoke free venues that are assessed before and after the implementation of such regulations. Hypothesis 2: The assessment of per capita taxable sales and fraction of retail sales in hotels and restaurants that include smoke free jurisdiction. The study attempts to compare the sales and employment outcomes both before and after the regulations became effective. Thereby, the study presents data from initial implementation period. For this particular purpose the independent variables namely, unemployment rate, season, time and presence or absence of smoke free law are addressed. Hypothesis 3: The levels of employment in restaurants and hotels that have implemented smoke free venues. This particular research hypothesis is targeted to uncover the changes over one year on the per capita taxable sales as well as retail sales and employment levels in eating and drinking places on five jurisdictions (Marshall Rossman, 2014). A regression based analysis is conducted to measure the changes over a period of one year. Figure: Research Framework (Source: Created by the Author) Research Methodology The qualitative approach has been chosen research methodology for this particular study. it specifically involves several data sources that are to be studied in order to obtain relevant information about the research topic (Dane, 2011). The research method is reliable in this particular context, as it helps collecting important information from primary and secondary data sources. The qualitative approach collects primary data about employees from restaurants and hotels obtained from each of the five selected countries of New York State Department of Labor that implements smoke free law (Mitchell 2012). Therefore, the method chosen for this particular study is properly justified as it effectively helped in gathering information e.g. per capita sales and employment detail outcomes from the five smoke free venues and thereby analyze and assess the changes in level over one year after the law became effective. Research Design The research design underpins the framework designed for executing the research. In this context, descriptive research design has been utilized for properly assessing the results and outcomes of the examination of collected data from the data sources (Maxwell, 2012). Therefore, selection of descriptive research design is well suited for this topic of study as it efficiently depicts the responses or results in an accurate measure. Analysis on Krathwohls Statement The research execution is a step by step process that includes choosing a well suited research methodology and research design so as to be able to develop the research framework. The research framework includes identifying the dependent and independent variables for analyzing the influences or effects. Therefore, the statement by Krathwohl is very much applicable in this scenario as it provides an accurate guide to take the study in the proper direction, following the research phases chosen for this particular study (Krathwohl, 2009). For example, this particular study requires identifying the research hypothesis or questions that provide a base to conduct the study. Furthermore, the chosen method aims at satisfying the research hypothesis or objectives by following the research design. Limitations of the Study The weak links can be identified in the article under concern. First of all, there is no specific definition of the research aims and objectives or the research questions / hypothesis. Furthermore, the article does not include proper specifications of the aim of study and the significance of conducting the research. In order to overcome the weak links, there are certain steps that can be taken to strengthen the overall research approach (Creswell, 2012). The initial part can include definition of the particular research aim and objectives, following which the chosen method and design for research can be properly specified. Other than that, weaknesses in this article are identified in the factors that the study does not cover the longitudinal aspects of the identified variables. Future Scope of the Study The study can be further extended in the future to analyze the changes in sales and employment levels over longer period of time rather than one year (Yin, 2013). Therefore, the future study can involve more number of eating and drinking places, hotels and restaurants by including several other smoke free jurisdictions besides the five selected countries in New York States. Conclusion The researcher has tried to conduct a detail study in order to assess the accurate levels of employment and sales before and after implementing smoke free policies. However, there are certain evidences that state that these rules are in fact, beneficial for health and even more, they are not at all bad for business. Hence, policy makers need sufficient information about the exact results of implementing smoke free rules on hospitality business. This research therefore aims to uncover and analyze the accurate aspects before and after applying such rules on several eating and drinking places on five countries of New York State. References Bryman, A. (2012). Social research methods. Oxford university press. Corbin, J., Strauss, A. (2014). Basics of qualitative research: Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory. Sage publications. Creswell, J. W. (2012). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. Sage. Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications. Dane, F.C. (2011) Evaluating research: Methodology for people who need to read research. Gelso, C. (2006) Applying theories to research: The interplay of theory and research in science. Hyland, A., Puli, V., Cummings, M., Sciandra, R. (2003). New York's smoke-free regulations: Effects on employment and sales in the hospital industry. accountid=28180 Krathwohl, D. 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