Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Official Winter Break Essay

However, even though Columbus did not discover the Americas first, European Exploration still had a ore immense impact within their world and our modern world today. One of the major reasons the European Exploration turned out to have a much bigger impact in history' than any other exploration is due to the formation Of the European Exchange. Thanks to the exchange many goods had been traded and thus the creation of many foodstuff as well as other materials such as tobacco and crops. The European Exchange is one of the major reasons that the European Exploration is recognized above all other explorations.The trade between these countries lead to many others to come o Europe for valuable resources and Europe began to expand and grow, not only due to the newly conquered land, but to the new people that were coming for the resources. I believe that this is because of how large this was on the scale and the explorers prior to the Europeans never made a big deal rather they just kept movi ng on and missed an opportune chance. European Exploration also overshadows the other explorations as the fact that they were more ruthless and willing to do anything in their power to expand their religion, obtain more gold, and be glorified for their actions.Their actions lead to them to enslave and slay the natives of the New World whether by accident (disease). Their sheer numbers had overwhelmed many places that they conquered and changed the society of the people around them. Native Americans turned into Catholics and lived the same way as the Europeans. Other countries, such as China, used Ghent Hajj was took on more of a peaceful approach yet not to an extent. China used the tribute system which enforced their power on the land nearby, whereas Vocal De Gamma, aEuropean explorer, enslaved and killed hundreds to capture ports for Portugal to trade. Their ways were very much similar, however Europeans were more ruthless and quicker and thus their influence was more massive and swifter which is why their influence is still active today. Rupee's strength was not solely the reason why its influence was so solid- some states like.

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