Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Hitchens Rationality of Atheism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hitchens Rationality of Atheism - Essay Example And this puts the entire question of creation as proscribed by the religions a tall claim. Religion has been a major promoter of violence through out the world. Every one of the religions has fought their own 'crusades' for their own sacred places. How, he argues, is that there is difference between on location and the other on the surface of the earth He cites numerous examples where this has happened all over the world in the name of religions, be it Catholics, Hindus, Muslims or Jews. Similarly, the mad faiths people have on the religions have led them to take to unwanted assumptions and blind faiths. He quotes Heinrich Heine, 'In dark ages people are guided by religion, as in a pitch black night a blind man is the best guide; he knows the roads and the paths better than a man who can see. When daylight comes, however, it is foolish to use blind old men for guides'. Most of the religions, according to him, promise punishments for sexual expletives any person might involve in. If sex is abhorred why was it that God had to have it at all God who was the all powerful creator, could have easily redesigned the entire evolution if he did not want human race to indulge in something like that. According to him, the 'creators' of religions, man, have done it to their advantage and to subjugate half of the human population to their control. And most of the monotheistic religions, preach that human beings are sinners and that they need to supplicate to God every day as under a monarch. Faiths in religion, religious dogmas and in astrology are all badly placed. Aristotle pointed out that twins do not have the same future whereas as per astrology they should be having almost similar future. All these arguments are presented by the author in support of atheism. Section 2: Critique of Hitchen's God is not Great. Your perception and evaluation of Hitchen's argument seems to be on the wrong premise. Hitchen declares himself as anti-theist and not atheist to start with. Though the title talks of God, in his book he is not presenting himself as a person anti to God. Therefore, we need not look for evidence in the book for arguments anti to God. As an anti-theism person, he is opposing the practices of theism as we know it. Theism and the dogmas of theism are laid down millenniums back and to say that they fit into the current situation does not belong to the scientific thinking. I think the litmus test has been wrongly applied and the perception of the author has not been taken into consideration. Applying the rule 1, denial of what is known is irrational, we could easily see and the author establishes starting from a number of scientific principles how the religious dogmas have criticized and crucified people who stood up with new ideas. Whether it is that earth goes round the sun or that witch craft does not exist, the principles of the religious theism did not allow reconsideration of their thoughts. It denied the known facts of the case. There are number of cases where Hitchen substantiates, theism has denied known scientific facts. Theism fails in the first test itself. Theism fails in the second test too. Whether it is the crusades or the creation of Israel at the end of the Second World War, theism has only created death and destruction in the name of religion. The belief in what is preached by theism has not led the people to rational living is what is the argument of

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